Schlagwort: learning

  • Our Yes Year And What I’ve Learned From It

    Our Yes Year And What I’ve Learned From It

    It’s still not the end of 2017, but I think I have already learned so much from our decision to make a „Yes year“ out of this year, that I just have to share my thoughts with you. Sed nulla turpis, pulvinar eget bibendum vehicula, pharetra vitae augue. Fusce sed ipsum vitae erat facilisis maximus.…

  • Lessons I’ve Learned From My Lazy Cat

    Lessons I’ve Learned From My Lazy Cat

    We all love our furry friends, right? They are not only companions in life, but we can also learn a whole lot from them. My cat teaches me every day, that it’s very important to be relaxed and that you shouldn’t do more then the absolute necessary amount of work. Maecenas nec odio et ante…