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  • Impressum

    Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Michael HofauerEinsteinstr. 18781677 München Von persönlichen Besuchen, erst recht von unangekündigten, rate ich dringend ab. Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Michael HofauerEinsteinstr. 18781677 München Quelle: Erstellt mit dem Impressum-Generator Freiberufler von eRecht24. Haftungsausschluss: Haftung für Inhalte Die Inhalte unserer Seiten wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für…

  • 2007 – 2009 Studium Theaterwissenschaft, Soziologie, Neuere deutsche Literatur (LMU München)2010 – 2017 Media Design (tm studios Fürth | FTI Touristik | Kolb Digital)2017 – 2019 Bartending (Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München | 25hours Hotel The Royal Bavarian München)2019 – 2020 Brand Ambassador Fratelli Branca Deutschland & Österreich2020 – 2022 Inhaber und Geschäftsführer bei #WHATTHETASTEseit…

  • Michael J. Hofauer

    Michael J. Hofauer

    about Gschmackig! Podcast Impressum

  • Our Yes Year And What I’ve Learned From It

    Our Yes Year And What I’ve Learned From It

    It’s still not the end of 2017, but I think I have already learned so much from our decision to make a „Yes year“ out of this year, that I just have to share my thoughts with you. Sed nulla turpis, pulvinar eget bibendum vehicula, pharetra vitae augue. Fusce sed ipsum vitae erat facilisis maximus.…

  • Why I Love Minimalism

    Why I Love Minimalism

    For a long time I was fascinated by the idea of minimalism. One might think it’s scary not to own so much, but it actually takes so much worries away from you. Growing up I learned from my parents that everything has a value and you should not easily throw away things. Of course this…

  • Capture the Beauty Of Our Planet

    Capture the Beauty Of Our Planet



    We need to protect our home, our planet and all life on it. It seems so simple and easy to understand, of course you will take care of your own home and treat it with respect, care and love. But somehow we humans are not so easy to understand and our actions don’t seem to…

  • Lessons I’ve Learned From My Lazy Cat

    Lessons I’ve Learned From My Lazy Cat

    We all love our furry friends, right? They are not only companions in life, but we can also learn a whole lot from them. My cat teaches me every day, that it’s very important to be relaxed and that you shouldn’t do more then the absolute necessary amount of work. Maecenas nec odio et ante…

  • This Small Daily Habit Makes me a Better Writer

    This Small Daily Habit Makes me a Better Writer

    It sounds so easy in theory, but from my experience it’s actually very hard to do over a longer term. I watched a YouTube video once, suggesting to write three free pages of thoughts in the morning. I started to pick up the habit and I found out very quickly that three pages of handwriting…